Normal People

Normal People
Normal People by Sally Rooney

It’s funny the decisions you make because you like someone, he says, and then your whole life is different. I think we’re at that weird age where life can change a lot from small decisions.

Connell and Marianne have known each other since high school. Connell is a likeable jock raised by a single mother, and Marianne is a loner from an affluent family. The two form a friendship of sorts as they navigate their lives beyond their bubble.

I had high hopes for this novel since it has been rated quite high and is a 2018 Man Booker Prize long lister but I guess that is how far as it goes for me. While starting the book, I thought this was going to be about another teenage love story because of what was going on between the two lead characters. It is not that teenage love story. It goes beyond that which made me want to read more but as the plot progressed, I felt frustrated because it felt that things will always be a push and pull situation. I get that life will not always be a bed of roses. Life is full of crap, and the people you meet will not always be what they seem to be. People, friendship comes and goes, and there will only be a handful who will solidly have your back through the good and bad but the situation and drama between Connell and Marianne was not something I had envisioned to read. Their relationship is frustrating and I felt like things would have been a lot better if they did not make things too complicated from the get-go.

Overall, I think the novel revolved around their poor life choices, and how everything seemed melodramatic because of their lack of communication. There are subplots that would have made things better – Marianne’s character had depth because of her unknown familial issues which was never really explored.

So, yeah. Maybe this book is not for me. Clearly, I am not the target audience or am not just normal enough to get it.

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